Coronavirus Update | Chiropractic Care Clinics


Coronavirus Update

Last reviewed: 28th January 2021

We want to reassure patients that we will be remaining open and seeing patients as normal under the latest government advice.

The Prime Minister has urged people to keep their medical appointments. As with other medical services, you are permitted to leave home to attend chiropractic treatment with us. We are currently consulting whether our masseuses can also continue to work as normal.

Our Clinic Director and Practice Manager have reviewed the Clinical Risk Assessment. They remain confident that our rigorous additional precautions enable us to treat patients in a safe and sterile environment.

How we are keeping you safe

We are currently able to offer ‘hands on’ face to face appointments for all our patients unless they have been told to self-isolate. This follows advice from our professional association, the British Chiropractic Association, and an updated position from the statutory regulator, the General Chiropractic Council.

Please be aware that, in order to be fully compliant with the Government’s COVID-19 secure status, we have had to extend and stagger appointment times. This means less availability and possibly a longer wait to be seen. Appointments are offered on a ‘first come, first served’ basis but we will always try to prioritise urgent cases wherever possible.

We ask all patients to co-operate with our extensive social distancing and PPE measures. These are in place to ensure treatment can be given in a safe environment. This includes the requirement to wear a mask when visiting the clinic. If you forget your mask we have medical masks for sale on reception.

If you have a medical exemption from wearing a mask, please make sure we are aware in advance so that we can ensure you are seen in a safe environment. Please bring proof of your exemption to your appointment so we can add it to your file.

For people needing to self-isolate at this time, we will be continuing our ‘remote’ appointments, which allow us to take a clinical history; perform orthopaedic testing to reach a diagnosis, and treat using video exercises, modalities, posture, ergonomics and directed self-treatment.

Our reception is, as ever, open 9-7 on weekdays and 9-1 on Saturdays.

For the latest government guidelines to Coronavirus, visit:

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